Amended by the 33rd General Assembly, August 2004; the Executive Committee Meeting, July 2008; and the Extraordinary Online General Assembly, May 2017.
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The Universal Day of Prayer for Students (UDPS) is one of the longest established ecumenical events. The WSCF publishes ecumenical services of worship on a theme that relates to the Federation's theme of study for the year or responds to current events and issues of concern to the world's students.
Federation News is WSCF's semi-annual newsletter published by the Inter-Regional Office. It features stories on the current programmes and activities of the WSCF at global and regional levels, including relevant news from SCM Senior Friends.
A webinar held via Zoom, 25 September 2020. Presentation by Elizabeth Peters, Project Archivist for the WSCF records at Yale Divinity School, about the WSCF archives at Yale and how to access them.

WSCF has a history of publishing which spans more than a century. The WSCF archives contain records from 1895 up to the present and are held in two major collections.
The first set is held by the Yale Divinity School Library in USA and includes records from the period 1895 to 1925. This corresponds to the period when the Federation's first General Secretary John R. Mott was based in New York. The second set of archives is held by the World Council of Churches Library at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva and contains records from 1895 up till the present day.
Some historic publications are still available for purchase from the WSCF Inter-Regional Office and others are available for reference from the WSCF archives in Geneva or at the Yale Divinity School Library. Some of the titles available include Venite Adoremus II (1961) and Cantate Domino (1957).
Below are some of the WSCF's publications from 1925 onwards.