Regional News
WSCF European Regional Assembly
WSCF-Europe hosted its virtual Regional Assembly on 6-7 November with the delegates coming from the Student Christian Movements (SCMs) in 15 countries in Europe.
A two-day intense programme of the Assembly included reporting of the WSCF-Europe work of the last two years, presenting the 2022-2023 budget, work on the strategic priorities for the next strategic period, reflections and invitations to the WSCF General Assembly in Germany in June 2022 and election of a new leadership team for the 2021-2023 term.
The Assembly started with the prayers and inspiring reflections from the former Chairperson of the WSCF-Europe and SCM Slovakia representative, Zuzana Babicova. Zuzana encouraged the participants to reflect and celebrate the unique gifs that each of them brings to the life of the Federation.
Our Chairperson, Christiane Gebauer, welcomed the delegates to the Virtual Assembly and encouraged them to use the opportunity to interact meaningfully with one another. She introduced the various digital tools and platforms we created to allow the delegates to meet remotely when meeting in person is difficult and contribute with their creative ideas for a bright future. Christiane reported on the work done by the Regional Committee and Staff team over the past two years, highlighting the challenges faced and impact achieved in our member movements and for young people in different parts of Europe. WSCF Executive staff in Europe Region, Natia Tsintsadze, gave the financial report for 2019-2021 emphasizing the current developments and challenges affecting Europe and youth organisations. Natia presented the annual financial plans for the following two years. The WSCF delegates unanimously approved both reports.
A highlight of the first day was the exchange and contributions of the representatives of the member movements on their local work with young people, thinking about what has been done well and what they have struggled with over the past challenging two years. The delegates shared about the exciting projects they delivered with and for young people in their SCMs. It was inspiring and important to allow the SCMs to share about the social, political and economic realities they operate in, the ways their faith is visible in the movements, and explore the values that unite them. At the end of the session, we celebrated the spirit and life that the Student Christian Movements created in 15 different countries in Europe.
Sunday morning, the SCM Britain delegate, Patrick Ramsey, led us through the prayer and reflection on the future of the WSCF, its role in making a lasting change and giving young people a place to belong. Patrick remembered the work done by the WSCF, its members and other Christians at COP 26 in Glasgow happening during the Assembly days and prayed for their success. He added: “May WSCF continue to flourish and make an impact on people around the world.” We could not wish a better continuation of the second day of the Assembly focusing on the planning of the General Assembly in June 2022, the election of the new leadership team and planning the next focus areas and strategic priorities.
During the session dedicated to the General Assembly, the delegates explored and suggested inspiring ideas and ways forward for global work. The hosting SCM Germany representative presented the invitation and welcoming video for the GA 2022 in Germany.
The exciting moment was to elect the new leadership team members for the 2021-2023 term. The election process was supported by our dear and dedicated Friends of the WSCF. Former members of the European Regional Committee, Sofie Eriksen, David J. Cleary, Vera Papp and former member of WSCF global Executive Committee, Dany E-Obeid, spent the afternoon with the delegates and encouraged them for various positions through sharing the insights and encouragements for continued work of the Federation.
The last part of the Regional Assembly focused on discussing the needs in Europe and priorities for the next strategic period. The SCM delegates outlined their wishes, ideas and vision for the future work of the WSCF-Europe. The meeting finished with closing remarks by the executive staff, Natia Tsintsadze and an expression of gratitude by the Chairperson, Christiane Gebauer, to the Regional Committee's outgoing members. Natallia Vasilevich from SCM Belarus closed the Regional Assembly with a prayer.
We thank all the participants, delegates of the Student Christian Movements in Europe, Friends of the WSCF, partners to continue supporting the work of the Regional Committee and Staff team of the World Student Christian Federation in Europe.