pdfWSCF Call for Peace and Justice in Ukraine
pdfAppel de la FUACE pour la paix et la justice en Ukraine
pdfLlamado de la FUMEC a la paz y la justicia en Ucrania
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“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks.” (Isaiah 2:4)

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

As the world once again goes through the pain of destruction and death caused by war, the WSCF expresses its deep concern about the loss of innocent lives and the suffering and agony it causes to people and environment. As a Federation committed to justice, peace and integrity of Creation, We:

Denounce the armed invasion and military action carried out by the Russian Federation on Ukraine and urge Russia to respect international laws and national sovergnity of nations and end the ongoing armed attacks immediately.

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Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, with appreciation for your efforts and ecclesial service,

It is necessary that we shed light on what has become of the humanitarian situation in Lebanon as a result of the economic crisis. The situation portends of great social unrest, beginning with the increase in migration among young men and women, university students and graduates, and the youth’s loss of hope in the future. We are fast moving towards the possibility of a social explosion. Therefore, and out of concern for the students, especially the Christians among them, we find it crucial to come together in solidarity and make calls to action.

Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian PeopleThe World Student Christian Federation is highly concerned by the new escalation of violence against the Palestinian people, which includes women and children. The images we have seen and the testimonies of our Palestinian student brothers and sisters fill our hearts with pain and call us to continue acting for justice and peace for the right and self-determination of the Palestinian people. (Photo: Hosny Salah/Pixabay)
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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Bishop Desmond Tutu

“As we are writing this, bombs are falling over Gaza, where 24 people have just been killed in the past hour only, increasing the numbers of those murdered to 103 (including 27 children) and injuring over 580 and flattening many multi-story buildings to the ground, and wiping out whole families... One soul lost is too many.” – Excerpt of the Statement from the Palestine Youth Ecumenical Movement (PYEM)

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World Student Christian Federation
Statement on the Human Rights situation in Colombia

Buenos Aires / Geneva May 5, 2021

Since April 28, the Colombian people have gone out to the streets in the framework of a National Strike called by various unions and social movements, teachers, students, women, workers, small and medium-sized businesspeople, farmers, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant communities.

The strike was called with the aim of requiring Iván Duque’s government not to present the tax reform bill in the National Congress. Despite the fact that the government announced that they are going to modify the text of the reform, the Colombian citizens are still on strike saying NO to a health reform that aims to deepen the privatization process of health in Colombia, along with many other discontents for the critical situation in terms of health, poverty, unemployment, hunger and violence that the country has been experiencing for several years and which have worsened with the Covid-19 pandemic. According to DANE1 statistics, 42.5% of the Colombian population lives in poverty.

The Church has celebrated the Easter of our Lord Jesus Christ and we continue in hope, announcing the Good News of the resurrection in our world. The year 2020 and what goes on in 2021 has been a time of great challenges and learning for humanity: a stage of trials, struggles and crisis, in which we should seek the paths of understanding, solidarity and mutual understanding between nations. From the faith that we profess, this is the path that we live and seek: the path of peace and justice that emanate from the Kingdom of God.

The report presented by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor of the United States government on March 30 before the Congress, on alleged violations of human rights in Cuba, once again, ignores the Cuban reality and its history.

These foreign relations policies, of continuity with the past administration, continue to affect mainly Cuban families, but also the American people, and threaten the construction of peaceful and harmonious relations in the region, preventing spaces for mutual understanding and growth.

We, leaders of Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs), councils and alliances of churches at the national, regional and international levels, which develop different cooperation networks among and with organizations and churches in the Republic of Cuba, consider that;

Joint WSCF Solidarity Statement with students in Myanmar

On March 3, 2021, one of the biggest protests in the history of Myanmar took place in different cities of the country and at least 38 protesters were killed, including a 19-year-old young lady named Kyal Sin who was shot to death in Mandalay. Many of the students and young people went to the streets and protested against the military coup. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), more than 400 protesters were arrested in Yangon during the crackdown on March 3. We have been informed that 14 of the students coming from SCM-Yangon Region were arrested and they are not allowed to contact nor see their lawyers and families. The names of the students are listed below:

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