The WSCF expresses publicly its deepest concern about the latest events happening in Myanmar.


Statement: Condemning Executing Myanmar Students

Buenos Aires / Honk Kong, December 8, 2022

The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) expresses publicly its deepest concern about the latest events happening in Myanmar.

Seven Dagon University students were sentenced to death on 30 November 2022 by the military junta of Myanmar. They are condemned for joining the anti-regime protests that have been taking place since the military junta took on power. This information was confirmed by the Dagon University Students Union which mentioned that all seven of the students were arrested on 21 April 2022. Their names are: Khant Zin Win, Ko Hein Htet, Khant Lin Maung Maung, Thet Paing Oo, Thiha Htet Zaw, Thura Maung Maung and Zaw Lin Naing.

The WSCF is one of the oldest International Ecumenical Student Christian Organizations that promote justice and peace worldwide. WSCF is present in more than 90 countries and has special consultative status at the Economic And Social Council of the United Nations. The WSCF’s work on Human rights has been following the case of Myanmar and repeatedly manifested against the human right violation against students, political leaders, and civil society in general.
We have been in solidarity with the people of Myanmar since the military coup takeover in February last year, which as of today, has executed more than 2500 people.
Therefore, the WSCF:

  • Strongly condemns the sentence to death of these students who fight for democracy in Myanmar.
  • Strongly condemns the execution of any political prisoners done by the Myanmar military dictatorship and calls for an immediate stop to executing students in Myanmar.
  • Calls to the international community, the United Nations and regional governance processes to denounce and condemn the Militar Junta, and diplomatically intervene to stop the execution of students.

Marcelo Leites
WSCF General Secretary

Fanny Chung
WSCF Asia Pacific Regional Secretary

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