Global Collaborations
WSCF joins the 16 days of activism against Gender-based Violence campaign
WSCF joins the call to End Violence Against Women Now #EndFemicide
The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) joins the 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign that starts on Thursday, November 25 with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and goes until the International Human Rights Day on December 10.
About the 16 Days of Activism campaign
The campaign was launched by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at its first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991. For this year 2021 and in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the campaign, the CWGL will focus on AWARENESS, ACTION AND ACCOUNTABILITY with a special emphasis on femicide or the gender-related killing of women (
WSCF joins the call to End Violence Against Women Now
As a global ecumenical youth fellowship, we recognize the inequalities and the different types of violence women suffer every day due to the patriarchal system. We express our deep concern for the growth of conservative and fundamentalist movements that have as echo the backward of actions in favor of women’s and girls' rights and are gaining space in the public opinion/public sphere in many parts of the world.
It is then, an ethical and Christian mandate to continue advocating for women’s and girls’ rights, questioning our patriarchal structures, building safer spaces for women, joining voices in the civil society spaces, churches and movements with the aim to tackle gender-based violence. We also think it’s crucial to continue advocating for the inclusion of a gender perspective into the public policies of our local countries, as well as in the government bodies of our movements and churches.
We pray and act together for women’s and girls that are facing all sorts of violence,
We pray and act together for the most vulnerable women’s in the global south,
We pray and act together for the women in the informal economy,
We pray and act together for single mothers,
We pray and act together for women and girls victims of human trafficking,
We pray and act together for justice for the families that have lost their relatives because of femicides,
We pray and act together for the strengthening of women’s leadership,
We pray and act together for a world where women can live without fear of being raped or killed because of being women,
We pray and act together for all the women leaders whose life is being threatened because of their activism.
Let’s pray and act together for these.
Statement by the Student Christian Movement (SCM) of Nigeria on Femicide
Event organized by the Women Wing Christian Council of Nigeria regarding the 16 days of Activism where Ebere Ubesie, Honorary Treasurer of WSCF and President of SCM Nigeria, will participate as a speaker.We raise our voice against the killing of women and girls by men and condemn the practice of Femicide fuelled by the patriarchal society built since time immemorial.
We need to stop the inexcusable actions of shame, killing women, female Infanticide, illegal killing of wives for suspected adultery. Most women suffer violence from intimate partners in Africa, the tendencies of men using violence to maintain dominance resulting in domestic violence, sexual, emotional, mental abuse, Rape, Acid bath, Corporal Punishment.
By this, we call for more advocacies on Ending Gender-based violence in Africa and also Economical Empowerment of women which will help give her a voice for self speak up. SCM of Nigeria lends her voice to the complete eradication of femicide and every form of gender-based violence, calling for more awareness and granting of justice for victims of Femicide crime.
Caption: Event organized by the Women Wing Christian Council of Nigeria regarding the 16 days of Activism where Ebere Ubesie, Honorary Treasurer of WSCF and President of SCM Nigeria, will participate as a speaker.
Reflection of Mira Neaimeh, Regional Secretary of WSCF Middle East
“She is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10)
In the Middle East, we too are reckoning with the global surge in violence against women and femicide witnessed since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. The statistics are alarming, as more women fall victim to murder on the basis of their gender. WSCF raises its voice from the Middle East against the violence committed against women every day, be it femicide, murder, human traffic, misogyny, honor killing, online violence or discrimination. We condemn these acts as criminal, immoral, and ungodly. We further pledge to raise awareness and take action with whatever resources and tools are available to us. Women in the Middle East have been pioneers in their quest for justice, equality, and liberty.
Reflection of Natia Tsintsadze, Regional Secretary of WSCF Europe
If not now, when? I join the 16 days of activism against Gender-based Violence as it is a call for our religious, political and civil obligation to stop Femicide, abuse, hate, discrimination and any other form of violent actions against girls and women. Let us challenge and stand against the iceberg of social and cultural norms that fuels gender-based violence in Europe and elsewhere. Let us bravely celebrate all the names. Let us pay tribute to every single female who lost lives to suffering and abuse. I want to give a voice to many girls and women still struggling to find a voice of their own. I want to celebrate our collective strength, power, determination and vision: a world free from all forms of abuse. We hear you, we stand with you, and we fight for you.
JOIN our campaign!
1. Use our profile picture frame: To use our frame go to this link, upload a photo of yourself, download it and update your profile picture in all your social media accounts with the following text and hashtags:
I joined the World Student Christian Federation campaign on the 16 days of activism against Gender-based Violence! #LetsEndFemicide #RejoiceInHope #WSCFagainstGBV
2. Share our social media cards: The WSCF Interregional Office invites you to share the social media cards created to raise awareness on gender-based violence and the role of our ecumenical fellowship in the commitment to build a world without violence against women and girls.
3. WSCF joins the World Council of Churches campaign: “Thursdays in Black: towards a world without rape and violence”: To raise awareness use this background in your online meetings every Thursday.