The General Assembly – the highest decision-making body of the WSCF – is the most representative expression of the WSCF’s life where the different members and representatives from all corners of the world have the chance to come together to talk about issues important to their activities and to direct the work of the Federation for the next four years. The mandate of the General Assembly will be fulfilled by the elected Executive Committee. The Federation is governed by its Constitution and Bye-Laws ratified and amended as needed by the General Assembly.
The WSCF Executive Committee is tasked, among others, to fulfil the mandate of the General Assembly, to ensure inter-regional contacts and to initiate specific inter-regional programmes that are in keeping with the needs and priorities of the Federation.
ExCo Meeting in Palermo, Sicily, December 2015
The ExCo meets immediately after and before each General Assembly, and further meets at least twice during the interval between successive Assemblies. Download here the minutes of these meetings.
Dear SCMers, dear Senior Friends, dear Partners, dear Friends,
As I finish my last official day as General Secretary of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), a colleague informed me that this was the exact day of the year that Rev Dr Philip Potter finished his term as chairperson of the WSCF, and I just now received the news that Philip Potter died today at the age of 93.
Philip Potter, one of the great ecumenical leaders of our time, is widely lauded for his leadership in the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism and as General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. How many know of his earlier formation in the Jamaica Student Christian Movement (SCM) and his leadership of the WSCF as its Chairperson.