The General Assembly – the highest decision-making body of the WSCF – is the most representative expression of the WSCF’s life where the different members and representatives from all corners of the world have the chance to come together to talk about issues important to their activities and to direct the work of the Federation for the next four years. The mandate of the General Assembly will be fulfilled by the elected Executive Committee. The Federation is governed by its Constitution and Bye-Laws ratified and amended as needed by the General Assembly.
Amended by the 33rd General Assembly, August 2004; the Executive Committee Meeting, July 2008; and the Extraordinary Online General Assembly, May 2017.
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“There is a dire need to continually engage church leaders and society at large on how domestic violence can be reduced and brought under control. “Thursdays in Black” should continue to address and remind us of these problems, especially in the developing countries where gender-based violence prevails more”, said Mrs. Ebere Ubesie, National President, Student Christian Movement of Nigeria (SCM).
In 1895, student leaders from ten North American and European countries met at Vadstena Castle in Sweden to form the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). Among its founders were John R. Mott (US), Karl Fries (Sweden), Martin Eckhoff (Norway), Luther D. Wishard (US), Johannes Siemsen (Germany), and J. Rutter Williamson (UK). The WSCF was the first international student organization and together with YMCA and YWCA, it is one of the oldest youth movements still in existence.