The General Assembly – the highest decision-making body of the WSCF – is the most representative expression of the WSCF’s life where the different members and representatives from all corners of the world have the chance to come together to talk about issues important to their activities and to direct the work of the Federation for the next four years. The mandate of the General Assembly will be fulfilled by the elected Executive Committee. The Federation is governed by its Constitution and Bye-Laws ratified and amended as needed by the General Assembly.
- Proposal summaries
- Russian military invasion to Ukraine and the role of the ecumenical movement
- Deliberate attempt at exterminating Christian identities, institutions and communities in Nigeria
- WSCF Statement on violence against transgender and non-binary peoples
- Increased inclusion of LGBTQIA+ participants in the WSCF General Assembly
- A call for justice: Hearing the plead of Palestinian Christians and labeling Israel as an apartheid regime
- Respect democracy and human rights! Stand with Myanmar people!
- Denounce Rodrigo Duterte for his crimes against humanity!
Resist the newly-installed Marcos-Duterte regime! - Call for justice: A land of heritage called Artsakh under destruction
- Progress on the Identity, Diversity and Dialogue program
- Proposal forms
From 23-30 June, the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) held a successful General Assembly in Berlin, Germany. Due to the pandemic, the assembly was the first in-person meeting since Bogota General Assembly in Colombia in 2015.
“The 37th General Assembly of the WSCF now already lies behind us, even though we started planning for it five years ago. After having to postpone it twice, now the two weeks seemed to just fly by,” said Annette Klinke, referentin für Internationale Beziehungen und Okumene, Deutschland (consultant for International Relations and Ecumenism, Germany).