Senior Friends Gathering
DEADLINE EXTENDED to January 30, 2020
pdfGA Registration Form for Senior Friends, Partners & Guests
This letter of invitation in pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

September 6, 2019

Dear WSCF Senior Friends,

Warmest greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our saviour!

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 37th General Assembly (GA) of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) which will take place in Berlin from June 4 to 11, 2020.

The General Assembly is the most representative and highest decision-making body of the World Student Christian Federation. General Assemblies or General Committees of WSCF have taken place since the federation's foundation meeting in 1895. Next year, its 37thsession will convene 108 member movements from 94 countries, senior friends, partners and guests. The GA is expected to gather 180 delegates at the Zwinglikirche in Berlin Germany with the theme, Rejoice in Hope” (Romans 12:12), and a sub-theme “Young People, Journeying Together Towards Justice and Peace.”

ENGLISH version: pdfSearch Committee Announcement
Other versions: French, Spanish

October 28, 2019

To: All National Student Christian Movements, WSCF
From: Search Committee, World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)

Dear National Student Christian Movements,

RE: Announcement for the Applications of Officers' Positions and General Secretary at the WSCF 37th General Assembly, 4th-12th of June 2020 – Berlin, Germany

DEADLINE: January 31, 2020

Warm greetings from the Search Committee of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)!

The General Secretary has been sending information regarding the forthcoming GA which will be held in Berlin, Germany on the 4th to the 12th of June 2020.

General Secretary, All Africa Theological Education by Extension Association
Former Co-General Secretary, WSCF

BT CommissionersBT Commissioners

Early this year the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) formed a Bible and Theology Commission (BTC) with the aim of building strong theological expertise among member movements and deepen their understanding of biblical work within the Federation. Specifically, the commission will ensure that bible and theology activities will run through the General Assembly (GA) where bible studies and worship life of the GA are integrated. It also aims to build capacity of SCM leaders in leading Bible studies, develop Bible study themes and guide the development of tools and mechanisms, bring back to the mainstream of WSCF, expertise in bible and theology for members and develop partnerships for Bible study and theology with theological institutions.

Date: August 25, 2019
To: WSCF Executive Committee, Regional Committees, and member movements (Affiliated and Associated)
Re: WSCF 37th GA Invitation Letter and Registration Form
From: Necta Montes, Out-going General Secretary WSCF

Dear friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our saviour and liberator!

I hope you received our email letter dated April 1st 2019 announcing the holding of our 37th General Assembly on June 4 to 11, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. It is my great pleasure to send this invitation letter [pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA] and registration form [pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA] to the forthcoming GA. In this regard, I would like to share with you the following information for the preparations of our Assembly.

pdfDownload/view in PDF

May 2, 2019

To: WSCF member movements
Re: WSCF 37th General Assembly (GA) preparations
From: WSCF Chairperson and General Secretary

Dear WSCF Affiliated and Associated member movements,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is with great joy and excitement that we announce the preparations for our forthcoming General Assembly has started and we are now able to share with you some initial information below so that you can prepare and be part of this historical event in the life of our Federation.

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