37th GA 2020
WSCF 37th GA Postponement
Download memo:
Date: February 04, 2021
To: WSCF Affiliated and Associated member movements, WSCF General Assembly Delegates, Executive Committee and Regional Committees
Re: WSCF 37th GA Postponement Announcement
From: Marcelo Leites – General Secretary WSCF
Dear WSCF Friends,
Greetings from the World Student Christian Federation,
I hope this message finds you and your movements safe and healthy,
The WSCF General Assembly (GA) is the most representative and highest-decision making body of the Federation. As a rule it meets every four years or within a period of six years in case of extraordinary circumstances in order to bring together the Federation’s 108 associated and affiliated member movements from 94 countries.
The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the WSCF Executive Committee (ExCo) decided in December 2020 to postpone the in-person General Assembly that was to be hosted in Berlin in June 2021 to a new date in 2022 maintaining Berlin as the host city.
This decision was made after an in-depth analysis of the global pandemic situation and considering all the factors involved. The ExCo decision aims to enhance our Movements delegates' active participation at the assembly, considering that the effects of the pandemic and the measures taken by governments conduct us to an uncertain scenario.
The 37th Assembly Planning Committee and the Executive Committee will inform in due course the new dates for the In-person General Assembly in 2022 after a careful analysis of the global situation and the specific regional and national circumstances.
A second memo will be sent soon informing you about further steps,
We look forward to meeting again in person,
In Peace and Solidarity,
Marcelo Leites (sgd.)
General Secretary
World Student Christian Federation