37th GA 2020
Extraordinary Virtual General Assembly Announcement and Approval
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Date: March 29th 2021
To: WSCF Affiliated and Associated member movements, WSCF General Assembly Delegates, Executive Committee and Regional Committees, WSCF regional secretaries
Re: Extraordinary Virtual General Assembly Announcement and Approval
From: Marcelo Leites – General Secretary WSCF
Dear friends, brothers and sisters
Greetings from the World Student Christian Federation.
The purpose of this letter is to announce an Extraordinary General Assembly that will be held online. This Assembly will not substitute the in-person General Assembly (GA) that will be held in 2022, which was already announced in a previous statement.
The WSCF Executive Committee has decided to hold the Online Extraordinary General Assembly (V-GA) between July 29 and July 31, 2021.
The purpose of the online Extraordinary General Assembly will be:
- Election of the WSCF’s officers:
- Chairperson,
- Two Vice-Chairpersons and,
- Honorary Treasurer.[1]
- Installation of the new Federation’s officers, Executive Committee and General Secretary.
- The development of a preparation and training session, jointly organized with the WSCF’s constitutional committee aimed to equip the movements in the preparation of constitutional amendments.
Other components of the Assembly:
- A simultaneous virtual moment dedicated to worship and,
- A consultation on the current status of the SCMs the WSCF as witnesses and prophetic actors seeking justice and peace in the midst of the global pandemic.
Assembly Platform:
The Inter-regional office (IRO) along with the officers and the members of the Assembly Planning Committee (APC) are preparing the platform that best allows interaction during the days of the V-GA, and a video conference system that will be at the service of the delegates of the movements taking into account the different time zones, access to internet services and other technical needs in order to have an Assembly that is democratic and allows participation for all delegates.
The concept note of the Online Extraordinary General Assembly will be sent to the movements and delegates.
To confirm an extraordinary Assembly, the WSCF needs to have two-thirds of approval from the Student Christian Movements.
For the approval of the V-GA we have set up a secure system and we request you to send your response to the link below on the Ferendum.com online voting service. Please, use the name of the SCM during the survey process. There is only one question.
In the survey you will be able to include the name of the movement and your choice (Approval/Non-Approval) When we finish receiving the votes of all the movements, the service will generate a report with the final results.
You may also scan the QR Code to participate in the approval survey.
In case of not being able to access this service, the movement must send an email to with the Subject: Confirmation of the Virtual General Assembly (V-GA) and in the text of the message express its approval or other considerations.
Note: the deadline to declare your approval is April 15, 2021.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me and/or your regional secretary.
I greet you, wishing you Peace and Solidarity in this Easter season,
Marcelo Leites
General Secretary
World Student Christian Federation