36th WSCF General Assembly - Online


GA ConCom announcement pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

GA Basic Information and Instructions pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

GA Proposed Agenda pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

GA Opening Prayer pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

GA Closing Prayer pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

YMCA & YWCA Denmark affiliation request pdfENG    

YMCA & YWCA Denmark presentation pdfENG    

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution: SCM-HK comments  pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

WSCF Constitution and Bye-Laws (amended 2004, 2008)
pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA

WSCF Constitution and Bye-Laws (amended May 2017)
pdfENG pdfFRA pdfSPA


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