The General Assembly – the highest decision-making body of the WSCF – is the most representative expression of the WSCF’s life where the different members and representatives from all corners of the world have the chance to come together to talk about issues important to their activities and to direct the work of the Federation for the next four years. The mandate of the General Assembly will be fulfilled by the elected Executive Committee. The Federation is governed by its Constitution and Bye-Laws ratified and amended as needed by the General Assembly.
Greetings and blessings from the World Student Christian Federation in Latin America and the Caribbean,
On April 1, 2024, the Executive Committee of the World Student Christian Federation (FUMEC/WSCF) accepted the search committee recommendation to hire Mónica Treviño Álvarez as the New Regional Secretary of WSCF in Latin America and the Caribbean and Global Program Coordinator.
Mónica Treviño Álvarez is Mexican and is 28 years old. She holds a degree in Human Rights and Peace Management from the University of the Cloister of Sor Juana and a master's degree in Critical Gender Studies and Theology from the Theological Community of Mexico. From a very young age, she has been involved in various religious and human rights spaces, such as the Gender Advisory Board of Mission 21, the Network of Theologians, Pastors, Activists, and Christian Leaders (TEPALI), ICM Free for Love, Queer Christians, Youth Ministry of the Parish of San José del Altillo, among many others. She is a young woman committed to gender equality within and outside of churches. Passionate about building diverse churches and faith communities.
The Regional Executive and Global Program Director is responsible for coordinating, managing, supporting, organizing and expanding WSCF activities globally and regionally, according to the WSCF Constitution and By-laws. They are to act on recommendations of the Executive and Regional Committee respecting local laws.
The Regional Executive and Global Program Director will work with the Secretary General and Student Christian Movements (SCMs), and cooperate with the Regional Chair and Executive Committee members, to ensure that the mission of the Federation is fulfilled through programs and strategic planning.
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37th GA Platform
Proceso de búsqueda de Ejecutivo Regional 2023
Secretaria/o Regional de América Latina y el Caribe: El Ejecutivo Regional es responsable de coordinar, gestionar, apoyar, organizar y ampliar las actividades de la FUMEC a nivel mundial y regional, de acuerdo con la Constitución y los Reglamentos de la FUMEC. Él/ella debe actuar según las recomendaciones del Comité Ejecutivo Global y la Mesa Directiva de ALC.
El Ejecutivo Regional para ALC trabajará con los Movimientos Estudiantiles Cristianos (MEC) y cooperará con la Mesa Directiva Regional, la Oficina Interregional y los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo, para garantizar que la misión de la WSCF/FUMEC-ALC se cumpla a través de programas y planificación estratégica.