Our Team & Network
Senior Friends
“ONCE an SCMer, ALWAYS an SCMer!”
The Senior Friends, or alumni, of the SCM and the WSCF are one of the unique components of SCM and the WSCF life. The SCM and the WSCF bring friendships, inspiration, and formation that, many Senior Friends report, give direction to their life’s course.
SCM Senior Friends with Centennial Fund members
The Senior Friends serve the SCMs and the WSCF by joining as resource people for events, lending expertise and accompanying SCM and WSCF life, and contributing funding for the continuation of the work nationally, regionally, and internationally.
The WSCF appreciates each contribution from each Senior Friend, seen and unseen, and understands that without their deep love, faith, and commitment, the WSCF would not be the same. The WSCF, together with the Centennial Fund, is committed to involving Senior Friends ever-more deeply in the work of the Federation. Inter-generational relationships and projects are needed today given the immensity of the world’s needs.
Students and youth in SCMs across the Federation graduate every year... but this does not mean their involvement stops there!
We are working to gather a stronger database of names and contact information, and with it, mapping the skills and platforms that Senior Friends bring. We are working to reach out more effectively to Senior Friends to invite them to remember and highlight the WSCF in their places of work and ministry, to contribute their skills, and to financially invest in the WSCF, in order that the WSCF may find the road to sustainability and achieve our best impact in working with students and bringing the student Christian voice to the church, the ecumenical movement, and the world.
If you would like to register as a senior friend of WSCF, please contact us.