WSCF 37th General Assembly 2022

A Walk Down Memory Lane

During a 26 June service, participants from all over the world celebrated the 127th anniversary of the World Student Christian Federation in an 18th-century baroque church, Sophienkirche in Berlin, Germany.

A Walk Down Memory Lane“This timeline does a fabulous job narrating the prodigious, century-long odyssey that continues today, and emphasises the strength of a visual identity that, despite the consistent and considerable change, has been persistently recognisable over the span of more than 127 years of World Student Christian Federation,” shared Monika Biswas, general secretary of  Student Christian Movement Bangladesh.

Senior friends of WSCF: revisiting the past creating a future

In 1895, student leaders from ten North American and European countries met at Vadstena Castle in Sweden to form the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). Among its founders were John R. Mott (US), Karl Fries (Sweden), Martin Eckhoff (Norway), Luther D. Wishard (US), Johannes Siemsen (Germany), and J. Rutter Williamson (UK). The WSCF was the first international student organization and together with YMCA and YWCA, it is one of the oldest youth movements still in existence.