Message of the 37th General Assembly of the World Student Christian Federation
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Berlin, Germany
1 July 2022
The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) held a highly successful General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, over eight days from 23 to 30 June 2022. The Assembly discussed our shared vision and values, celebrating the central place of Christian faith in young people’s journey together toward justice and peace.
Due to the pandemic our Berlin meeting was the first in-person Assembly for seven years since Bogota Colombia in 2015. The Berlin Assembly enabled leaders of national Student Christian Movements (SCMs) to hear directly from the new leadership team, from each other, and from expert resource people, and to agree key priorities for the Federation.
The Assembly theme Rejoice In Hope (Romans 12:12) was chosen to express the unique and necessary prophetic role of the Federation in proclaiming a positive message of the loving presence of God among us, often in difficult times. Our resilience in witnessing to the message of Jesus Christ in varied and challenging circumstances shows how a new generation of young people are standing up to lead SCMs around the world.
Our regional networks of national movements are an essential strength of the WSCF. Each day of the Assembly began with exuberant music with heartfelt prayers and stories and Bible studies. The worship services were presented in turn by Latin America and Caribbean Region, Middle East and Africa Regions, Europe Region, and lastly Asia-Pacific and North America Regions.
We also joined our church partners and friends in a worship service to mark the 127th anniversary of the founding of WSCF in 1895. Our long history, stretching back over more than a century, has seen WSCF constantly challenging our changing times. The Anniversary Service theme was taken from Psalm 1, comparing WSCF to a forest of living trees, affirming our stable and durable vision of faith and our mission of unity in diversity (John 17:21).
The new group of officers and the general secretary presented reports to the Assembly, available on our website These reports inspire strong confidence in the strategic direction and progress and stability of WSCF. The leadership of the Federation combines a courageous and visionary mission with practical organisational skills. Each regional secretary also reported to the Assembly, showing high levels of activity and professionalism despite limited funds and pandemic constraints.
Trustees of the WSCF Centennial Fund reported that the Fund continues to grow under prudent management to support the long-term future of the Federation. Further financial support to the Centennial Fund and to WSCF is particularly welcome, enabling us to expand our valuable work.
The unique place of WSCF in the Ecumenical Movement was recognised in messages of greeting from our partners.
Speeches to the Assembly emphasised the need for the radical student voice in today’s world, speaking truth to power and proclaiming a challenging theology of inclusion for our churches. We walk in the footsteps of our predecessors who were empowered by WSCF in their prophetic vision for justice. Resistance and resilience of WSCF members are needed now more than ever, in solidarity with Christ among the least of the world (Matthew 25:40). We heard first hand accounts of oppression and war from students living in Ukraine, Myanmar, Peru, Palestine, Sudan and others. Our prayers are with all these nations.
The Assembly reaffirmed policy priorities for WSCF on Democracy, Human Rights, Fundamentalism, Peacebuilding, Climate and Economic Justice, and Gender Justice, Identity, Difference, and Dialogue. We agreed to move beyond our past actions and develop new programs, cooperation and education in these areas. We committed to deepen support and interconnection within and between our regions, promoting solidarity with all suffering people. Our discussions showed our shared commitment to an inclusive and liberating Christian faith grounded in critical Biblical reflection.
Our review of the WSCF Constitution resulted in strong affirmation of our regional structure and priorities, alongside recognition of the need for better communication and cooperation.
Assembly delegates expressed deep appreciation for the opportunity to once again meet together, and profound gratitude to our Executive Committee and our hosts, the Evangelical Students Organisation (ESG) of Germany, for ensuring such a smooth, well-managed and productive event. The wisdom and inspiration of the Assembly will help us all to build our movements with renewed energy over the coming years.